Choir & Servers

At St Anne's we have a dedicated group of lay people who make up our choir and altar servers team. These volunteers are also welcome to take on other different roles within the church e.g. church warden or sidespeople by joining our parochial church council. 

Both our choir and altar serving teams are small, but we are recruiting and would like to expand and develop both teams with new members consisting of adults and children. 





Our choir is mixed men and women and we welcome any age groups including older children. Our choir garments consist of a blue cassock with white surplace for the men and a blue robe with a white collar for the ladies.

Our hymns are usually sung either with the accompaniment of a wind organ or electronic sound system and sometimes unaccompanied. If you would like to find out how to get involved please contact us via our online enquiry form or call the parish secretary on 07932221034


Altar Servers

Our altar servers enhance the communion service for our priest and congregation by assisting the priest at the altar, accolyting with the cross and candles, ringing the sactuary bell and use of the incense.

Our serving team may consist of adults and children. Our servers are also encouraged to join the Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary, which is the association dedicated for male and female altar servers within the anglican church.  If you would like to find out how to get involved please contact us via our online enquiry form or call the parish secretary on 07932221034


Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary (GSS)

A guild for altar servers which seeks to deepen the spiritual life of its members and to help them to become more worthy of their high office. It is entirely a society of lay people, but welcomes bishops, priests and deacons as associate members.

Our serving team at St Anne's are members of the Stockport GSS chapter based at St Peters. As a chapter we attend festivals and travel on annual pilgrimages to Walsingham (England's Nazareth) to worship together and enoy fellowship. In addition, servers in the guild often provide support to other servers who may be the solitary server at their church. There are chapters throughout England, Wales and overseas. You may visit the GSS website here.



11:00am - 11:30am -
11:15am - 12:30pm -
11:00am - 11:30am -
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