All churches within the Church of England are governed by their own parochial church council (PCC); it is essentially the executive committee.
The parochial church council is legally responsible for the financial affairs of the church parish and the maintenance of its assets and buildings, whilst also promoting the mission of the church.
St Anne's has a complete parochial church council as nominated and elected in accordance with the annual parochial council general meeting (APCM).
Any persons over the age of 16 who are enrolled/listed on our parish electoral roll are welcome to join our parochial church council.
We are always looking for new people to expand our range of representation. If you would like to join our PCC or find out more information please contact us via our enquiry form on this link.
You may contact individual PCC members by completing the enquiry form and selecting the relevent contact from the drop down. Your enquiry will be sent to them.
Chair and Parish Priest
Rev. Fr Jules Mambu
Church Warden
Aaron Holmes-Doyle
Deputy Church Warden
Church Warden Emeritus (Retired)
Rosemary Molloy
Parish Secretary and Website Administrator
David Yates
Parish Treasurer
Lee Jones
Parish Safeguarding Officers
Susan Booth
Parish Archivist
Lee Jones
Deanery Synod Representative
+ Including additionally elected parochial church council members with non-defined roles.